Practice Makes a Man Perfect
Human is born with an aim in the life. Ho much he is aware of his aim! How much success he can get! That depends upon his continuous efforts and hard work. It also depends upon his sources in achieving the goal of life.
Practice is the way of development, progress, clearness in the life. Practice or exercise means repetition of a work or knowledge that deep down in root the heart and mind. So practice makes a dull boy or an idiot into an intelligent. When practice is accomplished the person is called an accomplisher. In this state a person has complete control over the work for which he has practiced and he can carry on the work very easily and hold such situation
In today’s world Practice is must because we are not practicing – How to live in Present? We are living our life and spending our energy in collecting and assembling the means and ways of future. So start practicing to control the situation to live in the Present.
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