Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Some Haiku

Picture Haiku
1 Star
(Veena Sethi)
 2 Dew

Thursday, March 22, 2018

World water day

Sunday, April 23, 2017

From the heart: # more Indian than we think.

 A Message: # more Indian than YOOU think.

Today, the whole world knows India or “Bharat” and when they talk about India, they never forget to mention “Yoga” and this is the biggest contribution of Modern India to the world, As India gave “Zero” and the “Wheel” in the ancient time to the ancient world. The Indian cuisine “Curry” neither needs any introduction and it has been the part of every kitchen and hotel worldwide. This cuisine is globally appreciated only due to the richness of its taste and the taste lovers changed it so beautifully by each country according to the spices and ingredients. It is well the path of winning the human heart is only through his stomach and Indian “Curry” proved it splendidly. So the world has already been # more Indian than we think.

   Why are people talking about # more Indian than we think? A simple answer is that the world has turned into a global market. India has become a big market and the different countries have their self-interest and this turning their inclination towards Indian Market.
Indian Curry

          To know any country, it is necessary to know its language, culture, and lifestyle first and when it is understood and adopted, only then can we be like them. All this has become necessary even today; because the world has been transformed into a global market. And according to the economic theory of demand and supply, the first rule for entering the market of any country is to know the culture and language of that country. And it isn’t a hidden secret that country Like India would be the paradise for those countries that are in search of a new market.

The slogan is given by Lufthansa Airlines “# more Indian than you thinks” should not be considered simply to find a new global market.  but It is more a step towards understanding the entire world as a family. This thought of Lufthansa cherishes India's centuries old concept "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" (means the whole world is a family).

Indian culture

At present when the whole world is afflicted by terrorism and there is no country in the world that is not the victim of terrorism. The whole world under the grip of such fear and it is affecting global economy badly. The slogan of Lufthansa should be changed like this " # more human than we think". I really believe that if someone needs to understand a country or a person then think likewise, it can only be possible when we understand the country or the thinking of the person.

Imagine...!  A tourist visits your country, and if you know his language, not fully but quite a little bit. You talk to him in his language, Guess...! How happy he would be..?. Just think, when he returns to his country, what he would bring with him...? - Only the memories of your good behavior. And that would reflect a good picture of your country worldwide.

Winning the heart of the people of any country is very easy, only you should remember Lufthansa’s# more Indian than you think. Now some German citizen comes to my country and he greets me by saying "Namaste", then believe me… he would have won my heart. And if he is dressed up as an Indian, It would be like a feather in a hat.

Being completely Indian of a foreigner can be a pleasant feeling for any Indian. They should not only be limited of speaking, dressing, or eating Indian food but with this, they also introduce about their culture,language, and cuisine to the Indians. And this thinking of Lufthansa inspires him to be even more Indian. If Lufthansa Airlines is entering India with such thinking, then surely its concept is to be welcomed.
It can also be inspirational for those Indians, who are leaving their centuries-old culture, civilization, and language and adopting the foreign culture. And instead of proud to be an Indian, they feel proud to be advocating of foreign lifestyle. How awful and shameful it is…! It would good enough if they join the campaign of Lufthansa "# more Indian than you thinks" and play the role of being an Indian. Hat's off to Lufthansa
It is true to say that if you ever have to defeat your enemy then become his friend. So be an Indian by killing the thought of being an advocate of foreign culture and lifestyle, you will be # more Indian than you think.

Veena Sethi

Sunday, January 1, 2017

5 self

                           Your 5 Self

‘Self’ means one’s own. If it is more than enough, it makes a person arrogant. ‘Self’ introduces you with your existence. It realizes you your importance as a human being.
Here we take a journey though the 5 most important ‘Se

These 5 self are as follows:-

Self Confidence: -

Confidence is in oneself regarding his or her abilities to do something. Self confidence gives a person to face the difficulties of life. It has the power to give a person the courage to stand against the failures. Self confidence is the life line of every person.
Self confidence resembles with the backbone of human race. It is only the self coincidence that gives the spirit to a person to reach the goal. It is a fire that burns the odds of life. So analyze the power of Self Confidence.


 Self Control: -

One can control over own feeling, emotion and behavior or hide them. A self controlled person can handle any situation very tactfully. Nobody can judge- what is going on in the mind ...?, because he or she has control over his or her ‘self’ to that extend that his or her face looks as blank blackboard.  Such person doesn’t show any type of feeling whether the moment is of joy or grief.
Self control is the quality that gives a person the strength to hold any type of situation. A person who thinks from the heart i s always  sentimental and emotional and he is easily uncontrollable and misguided in any circumstances and that hurts his feeling. On the other hand a person who rules by the mind can’t be misguided easily and he can handle any situation because he controls his emotion any ways. So a person hasn’t self control he can gain it through practice.


Self Satisfaction: -

It shows that a person is satisfied with his or her own achievement that is gaining through self efforts. It is a state of pleasure and happiness that comes through the fulfillment of own desires and needs. Self satisfaction is the state of mind and heart both. It doesn’t build in a day; it takes a long way to get a final shape. Only self contained person can achieve the sate of self satisfaction, means whatever one’s desires can fulfill it. if one achieves everything in the life and feels pleasure and doesn’t want more than whatever one’s achieved is a self satisfied person. It is good for a happy life but he who wants progress in life and is a dreamer should not be self satisfied otherwise it hinders his growth and progress.


Self Reliance: -

One word for this is ‘Independence’. Self dependent and self relined is the state that is gained thorough  own ability and efforts. Self reliance brings self confidence and self respect in a person. Every person should have his own identity and personality and it comes only through self dependency.
It is the birth rights of every human being that he should have free will, freedom and independence. Self reliance doesn’t mean only to earn bread and butter through self efforts but it is related to achieve freedom of thoughts, desires to live a life according to own choice. These all bring the state of being independent.

Self Analysis: -

We have many qualities and weakness too. A person can be anything, he can control himself, and he can respect himself. But whatever he does in his life it is his own responsibility. A person whenever gets success in his life; he gives credit to himself for this and if he fails; he blames others for his failure. Self analysis gives a person to think about himself thoroughly but for this, one should put himself in silence and merge himself in the past to ponder over on his merits, demerits. And as he settles deep down his thinking he will come across the realities of the life and will come to know about his self very clearly. This ‘Self’ analysis gives him a way to choose the right path in life.
Self analysis creates a sense of freedom in you.


These 5 Selfs convert a person into a perfect personality. And these 5 selfs ultimately convert into Self Respect. 

  So these are your 5 ‘Self’. I think; you would like these.

(All images from